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Characters are an important part of any story. They drive the plot and help to keep us interested.


A character sketch or description must include a description of what the character looks like (outside) and what their personality is like (inside). You should also include some evidence from the novel to support what you're saying.


We find out about characters through the writer's description of them and through what they think, do, and say throughout the story.


Characters can be dynamic or static. Dynamic characters grow and change throughout the story. Static characters are the same at the end as they were at the beginning.


Characters can also be described as flat or round. A flat character doesn't seem like a real person. We don't know a lot about them. They usually only have one or two character traits. Round characters are very complex, more like real people. You would need a lot more than a couple of sentences to describe them!

© 2013 by Ms. Chaulk

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