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Assignment: The Evolution of a Communications Technology



You will trace the evolution of a communications technology, showing the move from analog to digital


Due Date: January 20

Research & Investigation:


A good poster:

  • has more graphics than text

  • uses text/labels to support the graphics

  • is eye-catching and grabs people’s attention 

  • presents the information in an organized way that makes it easy to find the information you want


A good slideshow:

  • has nearly equal amounts of graphics and text

  • does not have too much information on each slide

  • presents information using bulleted lists rather than lengthy paragraphs


A good report:

  • has more text than graphics

  • uses graphics to support the text

  • includes headings and captions

  • uses bold text to emphasize important terms and provides a glossary for those terms that may be unknown to the reader


A link that may help:

About Graphic Design

Design Brief:


  • You will create a poster, report, or slideshow using Microsoft Publisher, Word, or Powerpoint.

  • You must choose one example of communication technology.

  • Using words and pictures, you must show how the technology has evolved from analog to digital.

  • Include information about the inventor, and the years in which important advances in the technology were made.

  • Show/Tell how the technology has affected our lives

  • Include the URLs of all websites you used for information. (Google must NOT be one of them - it is a search engine, not a source.)

Best Solution:


Your solution to this problem must be emailed to or saved to a flash drive and submitted to Ms. Chaulk. Reports may be printed off and passed in if you prefer. Posters and slideshows may not.


These instructions will change if we get Google Classroom set up before the assignment is due.

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