Unit 3 - Mixtures and Solutions
Notes and Handouts
Unit 3 Mixtures and Solutions - Expectations
Chapter 7 Notes - Particle Theory, Mixtures, and Pure Substances
Chapter 7 Notes - Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures
Chapter 8.2 Notes - Concentration & Solubility
Chapter 8 Booklet (thanks Mrs. Janes!)
Core Lab 5 - How Does Temperature affect Solubility?
Chapter 9 Notes - Separating Mixtures
Chapter 9 Booklet (thanks Mrs. Janes!)
Core Lab 6 - Separating Homogeneous Mixtures
Unit Review: p. 306-309 #3-15; 17-19; 23-29; 32, 34, 36, 38
There will be 5 True or False (correct the false to make them true), 20 multiple choice, and 3 constructed response questions. For the constructed response questions, students will be given 2 questions from each chapter (chapters 7, 8, and 9) and they will have to answer 1 from each chapter. The constructed response questions are the same ones that were on the quizzes.