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Grade 7 Science.

Science is all about asking questions about the natural world and coming up with ways of finding out the answers to those questions. Newfoundland and Labrador's science curriculum is designed to develop your scientific literacy - a combination of attitudes, skills, and knowledge that you need to develop questioning, problem-solving, and descision-making abilities. It will also help you become lifelong learners, and hopefully encourage a sense of wonder about the world around you.

The primary purpose of Grade 7 Science is to develop scientific literacy. This is a combination of attitudes, skills, and knowledge that you need to develop questioning, problem-solving, and descision-making abilities. It will also help you become lifelong learners, and hopefully encourage a sense of wonder about the world around you.


The course is made up of four units that cover a wide range of topics:

  • Unit 1 Interactions within Ecosystems

  • Unit 2 Heat

  • Unit 3 Mixtures and Solutions

  • Unit 4 Earth's Crust


Each unit is made up of 3 textbook chapters. The textbook may be accessed online through the "Discovering Science 7" button on the right and using the given username and password.

Course Evaluation

Unit 1: Interactions within Ecosystems


Unit 2: Heat


Unit 3: Mixtures and Solutions


Unit 4: Earth's Crust


Final Exam (cumulative)


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Unit tests will be given at the end of every unit following a review class and will consist of multiple choice as well as constructed response questions. A minimum of 5 days notice will be given before the unit test (usually more).


Quizzes may be given within a unit to determine understanding of larger concepts covered.


Performance Assessments (i.e. projects/assignments) will require you to show what you can do by using a variety of activities with a degree of choice to match learning syles. These unit assignments will generally be distributed at the beginning of a unit and be due within a week of finishing the unit. Recommended completion dates for different sections of the unit assignment may also be indicated to help you with time management. You may submit sections of the assignment as they are completed, or may pass in the project as a whole at the end of the unit. Core labs will also be included as part of this assessment.

Username: disc7_se

Password: studentED

© 2013 by Ms. Chaulk

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