Unit 2 - Heat
Notes and Handouts
Chapter 4 Quiz Review - Reading Checks on pp. 115 & 116; Check Your Understanding, p. 119; Be able to explain how thermoscopes, thermostats with bimetallic strips, thermocouples, and thermograms work; Know how to develop a scale and calibrate a thermometer.
Core Lab 3 - The Plateau Problem
Chapter 5 Quiz Review - p. 169 # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11; p. 170-171 #1-10, 12, 16, 17, 18; Need to be able to list the 5 points of particle theory, describe solids, liquids, and gasses as well as all changes of state according to the behaviour of their particles.
Processes of Transferring Heat
Conductors and Insulators and Heat vs. Temperature
Checking Concepts p. 205 #3, 4, 6
Chapter 6 Quiz Review - The reading checks they've been encouraged to do throughout the chapter; the checking concepts questions they've answered
Chapter Review p. 216 # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16
Unit Review for Test -
Chapter 4, 5, and 6 Quiz Reviews listed on this page +
We will not get time to go over all of these in class. They should do them and ask me about any they can't come up with the answer to.
Unit 2 Assignment (OPTIONAL) - The middle square is already done. They would just have to do 2 more - one from chapter 5 and one from chapter 6. They do not have to be in a straight line. Due February 15 (but I will accept them without penalty on February 20).