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Independent Novel Study (x5).

You are expected to read 5, novel-length works throughout the year. These may include plays or non-fiction works if you prefer, but most of them should be novels. You can choose any book you want, but it must be appropriate for your age and reading level. Try to choose a variety of genres. I will read a couple of novels aloud in class. You may use one of these novels as one of your independent novel studies. I can help you choose if you're having trouble. Once you have selected your book, fill out the form by clicking on the button to the right.

I will need to have some way of knowing that you have read and understood the work you've chosen. For each book, you will complete a book review. For three (3) of the books, you must choose one of the assignments on the right to complete and pass in. You have to do the Book Talk and the Story Element assignments and there will be class time provided to work on them. The third assignment is your choice and it may be submitted with novel 2 or 4. You may not do the same activity twice. Many of these activities are best suited to a fiction novel. If you are having trouble selecting an appropriate activity for the work you are reading, come and talk to me about it and we will come up with a plan together. Click on the button on the right for more information and a rubric for each activity.


  1. Book Talk - Tell the class or your group about the book you read. Try to convince them to read it too. Due the first week of November

  2. Story Element Activities - Choose one activity from each section regarding the elements of stories - character, setting, and plot. This choice is most appropriate for a fiction novel. Due the third week of February

  3. Vocabulary Log - Keep a list of interesting, strong, and unfamiliar words as you read. Then complete 3 of the 4 activities.

  4. Reading Journal - Keep a journal as you read your book. Complete at least 10 entries from the given list of prompts/topics/questions. If you choose to do more than 10 entries, they can be on your own topic if you want.

  5. Reader Reflection - Choose one activity from the list as you reflect on the deeper meaning of your book.

Suggested Timeline


Novel 1 - End of October. Assignments: Book Review + Book Talk


Novel 2 - Before Christmas break. Assignments: Book Review + Your Choice (may submit with novel 4)


Novel 3 - Mid February. Assignments: Book Review + Story Elements


Novel 4 - Beginning of April. Assignments: Book Review + Your Choice (if you didn't submit with novel 2)


Novel 5 - June 2. Assignments: Book Review

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