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Grade 7 English Language Arts.

English Language Arts explores our use of language to communicate our thoughts and ideas. The course is divided into 3 strands - Reading/Viewing, Writing/Representing, and Speaking/Listening. We will use a variety of texts as we explore. Texts include anything that people use to communicate. This includes traditional written text, but also includes images, videos, gestures, and sounds - if you can let people know what you're thinking or feeling by doing it, it's a text.



Our exploration will be organized into at least 4 units. We will read a variety of short fiction and non-fiction from your text books. We will also read poetry - some from your text books and many that I choose from other places. I'll put links to those on the appropriate unit pages. You will also have to read 8 novels (or novel-length works) throughout the year - City of Ember, Flipped, one that you will choose from a limited selection in a literature circle and 5 independently, completely of your own choosing.



Details about the evaluation can be found on each of the Strand pages. More information, notes, links, etc on each of the units and novels will be found on their pages.

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