Geology Kitchen #1 - What is a mineral?
Episode 1 introduces the concept of a mineral. The video introduces mineral properties using common fruit and vegetables as analogies for these five descriptive criteria. The video also demonstrates the orderly crystalline structure of halite (NaCl) using a model made of food (marshmallows and grapes). Comparisons between common substances such as ice and glass versus the mineral definition are made to illustrate the specific nature of the mineral definition.
(* in Grade 7, we don't worry about #3 - Chemical Composition or #4 - Crystalline Structure)
Videos - Earth's Crust
Geology Kitchen #2 - Identifying Minerals
Episode 2 expands on the mineral concept by discussing the characteristics of minerals used in mineral identification.
Geology Kitchen - The Three Types of Rocks
Geologist Devin Dennie heads to the kitchen to demonstrate the differences between the three types of rocks.
(I really wish that he had made rice krispie squares for his sedimentary rock demonstration! The melted marshmallow would have shown cementation and pressing it into the pan would have represented compaction.)
Geology Kitchen #8 - Layers of the Earth
Devin whips up a model of the layers of the earth using ingredients from the kitchen
Geology Kitchen #9 - Plate Tectonics
This episode discusses the scientific theory of plate tectonics, in which the Earth's crust is subdivided into a series of large and small tectonic plates. Convergent, divergent or transform boundaries are discussed and demonstrated with brittle graham crackers and icing to illustrate the motions of the plates at these boundaries. A second demonstration consisting of heating cream in a pan, representing convecting upper mantle, driving a relatively brittle layer of cocoa powder (the Crust).
Geology Kitchen #10 - Volcanoes
Much more information than you need, but cool!
Kobe Earthquake 07.01.1995
On Shaky Ground: The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake | Retro Report | The New York Times
Hawaii Kilauea Volcano Puu Oo Vent Lava Flow
Rivers of molten lava high up Pulama Pali - Kilauea Volcano Hawaii
Mt. Pinatubo Explosion At Clark Air Base, Philippines
Volcano Eruption - The Eruption of Mt St Helens (1980)
Mt. Ontake eruption, Japan, Saturday, September 27, 2014
Weathering and Erosion from Scholastic Study Jams
Bill Nye, the Science Guy - Erosion
Bill lumps erosion and weathering together. Just remember, for us, weathering is breaking up the rock and erosion is carrying it away.