Reading and Viewing.
Number of Reading and Viewing Activities (25-35%):
We will read at least 15 poems throughout the year. They will be distributed relatively evenly throughout the 4 units, with 3 or 4 poems in each unit. The poems will be chosen primarily on the basis of their use of figurative language and word choice.
We will read 2 dramatic works throughout the years. These may be scenes from plays, TV shows, or movies, dialogues, or monologues.
Short Prose
10 fiction; 8 non-fiction
These will come mostly from our Literacy and Homegrown text books but will also include picture books from our classroom library, selections from magazines and digital texts from the Internet.
Student-Selected Longer Prose
You have to read 5 novels throughout the year. Your choice. You read them independently. I will provide tasks for you to complete so I know you've done so. More information can be found on the Independent Novel Study page.
Teacher-Supported Longer Prose
We will be doing two novel studies as a class - City of Ember and Flipped. The third novel study will be done in literature circles. There will be a selection of novels for you to choose from and you will read and discuss them in small groups and, occasionally with me. Assignments/Projects will be assigned for each novel.